Jeanine has been a volunteer with the Digital Literacy program since September of 2019. She currently volunteers at two sites – Arnett Branch Library and the Office of Adult and Career Education Services (OACES), as well as continuing to pursue her degree in Human Services at MCC. She loves it the most when she is able to help individuals create a cover letter, build a resume, or obtain employment. When asked what the most valuable thing about the Digital Literacy program is for her, Jeanine said, “Connecting with new people and learning about other cultures through the ESOL [English for Speakers of Other Languages] students.”
Jeanine is passionate about community service and believes we all need to work together in the world we live in. That is why she decided this program is for her. “I love being a Digital Literacy volunteer because I love changing lives; knowledge is power” she said. When asked how volunteering has changed her life, Jeannine reflected, “It has helped me overcome my social anxiety and reconnect with society.” Everyone loves working with her because she has a contagious smile and an amazing personality.
“Public libraries are a life necessity for the community” stated Jeanine. She loves the Arnett Branch Library staff and that they assist patrons with whatever their needs may be. She also thinks OACES is amazing “It has a truly remarkable staff who are willing to go out of their way to help these students achieve their best,” she noted. She has noticed that many students want to achieve a higher education after they have completed OACES. She is looking into how she can recruit those individuals who have already crossed over to MCC, to assist those that would like too.
We love having Jeannine as part of our team. She has been a huge asset to our organization, the libraries, and OACES. Jeannine is setting a great example for her beautiful daughter by continuing to work hard every day to accomplish her goals.
Digital Literacy, a program of Literacy Rochester, helps adults become fully engaged in their community as citizens, parents, consumers, and workers. The Digital Literacy program is provided free of charge on a one-to-one, drop-in basis in partnership with OACES.
Individuals can drop in for free computer help at these times and locations.
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