The first couple of months at Literacy Rochester have been wonderful. I’ve been motivated by the hardworking adults who come week after week, constantly seeking personal growth; by the ever-dedicated volunteers, donating their time and energy to helping people around Monroe County; and by the Literacy Rochester staff, always inventive, focused, and fun.
A little bit about what I do: as the Tutor Coordinator, my primary job is to match and rematch volunteers with adult learners. In addition, I lead an ESL conversation class once a week and work on a host of additional projects, some of which you’ll hopefully see soon (Tutor in Touch newsletter!!).

When I’m not at work, I can be found cooking all sorts of foods – one of my recent favorites has been the shopska salata: a Balkan-inspired cucumber, tomato, and feta salad. I spend a lot of time in Rochester’s many parks, either running or hiking. Mendon Ponds has quickly become a favorite; I’m working towards a 100-mile race in October, so I’m sure you’ll run into me out there at least once! And, I tend to read a lot of fantasy and nonfiction books on nature/the environment.
Stop by and introduce yourself if you’re in the area! I’m in the office at the end of the hall. Additionally, as I am still new, I would love to hear your thoughts on ways I can improve the tutor matching process. Feel free to email me at Xcarpenter-new@literacyrochester.org. Thanks for all that you do!
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