An important skill in life is being able to set goals and make them a reality. Ask yourself, how often do you get an idea to do something: get a new job, get in shape, learn a new skill, etc., and you do nothing to make it happen. This is more common than you think.
Literacy Rochester is launching a new pilot program to help the community to make those goals a reality! With growing reliance of technology, many of these goals must be completed digitally.
Our Digital Literacy program will hold the first classes on the topics of Resume Building and Interview Etiquette. These classes will be offered every other Thursday, starting the first week of November.
In the Resume Building class, participants will learn to produce a resume that describes their education, skills, experiences, and achievements. We will make sure participants understand the proper grammar and format to create a resume.
By the end of this course, participants will know:
–How to write a professional resume
–The importance of what goes into a resume and why
–Where and how to look for employment
Register for class: NOV 5 — NOV 19 — DEC 3 — DEC 17
In the Interview Etiquette class, participants will learn what to expect during a job interview. The class will go over how to dress and conduct yourself during an interview. There will also be an opportunity to talk with actual hiring professionals to do mock interviews and receive real time feedback.
By the end of this course, participants will know:
–What to expect during a job interview
–How to conduct yourself during an interview
–How to secure an employment position
Register for class: NOV 5 — NOV 19 — DEC 3 — DEC 17
If you are interested in registering for a class, please visit LiteracyRochester.org to sign up.
This is just the beginning of many classes Digital Literacy is hoping to offer in the future.
We can also help with searching for employment. You may make an appointment to see one of our volunteers, by visiting LiteracyRochester.org
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