Eric McClary is a 36-year-old Rochester Native. Eric started working at The Hurlbut Nursing and Rehabilitation in 2004 when he was 19 years old. Now ready for a career change, Eric wants to go back to school. Eric aspires to go to Monroe Community College (MCC) to study Journalism or Political Science so he can become a TV host or presenter.
After applying to MCC, Eric was informed that he needed his HSE (High School Equivalency) in order to take classes and receive a degree. Hearing about OACES (Office of Adult Career and Education Services) on the radio, Eric took it upon himself to research the school and their programs. He saw that OACES offered a self-paced HSE program. He called and came in to OACES to start his intake/enrollment process. The process was informative and easy to navigate, and Eric began attending classes right away.
At first, Eric was hesitant about coming to OACES, but he kept reminding himself that, “it’s never too late to go to college. Do not hurry education and opportunities because you need to be prepared.” Although he was reluctant, Eric knew he had this opportunity to be prepared for college by attending OACES and receiving his HSE.
Eric began classes at OACES two years ago this April. Since the COVID-19 pandemic has ensued, Eric has quickly learned how to send in photos or typed assignments via email to his teacher while being at home. Digital Literacy volunteers have assisted Eric in navigating ZOOM and how to conduct better research online. Being able to efficiently use ZOOM and send in assignments allows Eric to save time and get more work done while simultaneously preparing him for college. Despite the pandemic, many college classes are online or typically require online submissions of assignments, papers, and tests. With the help of Digital Literacy, Eric now feels ready to be successful in college. The teachers at OACES have shown and reminded Eric that he is capable of doing his work and succeeding.
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