When David finished his six years in the US Army Reserve, he needed something else to occupy his time. He came to Literacy Rochester as a volunteer tutor in 2017.
His first student was Oleg, an architect who had moved to Rochester from Ukraine. David’s nuclear engineering degree from University of Florida didn’t provide any local architecture contacts, but they did have common interests.
For a year, David and Oleg worked on English, cultural adaptation, and began networking with Richard Pospula, another volunteer and architect. Together, they helped Oleg find a job, attend an architecture conference, and join local events at ArtisanWorks. Eventually, Oleg returned to Ukraine.

David transitioned over to classroom work, assisting with classes offered by Rochester Educational Opportunity Center, Action for a Better Community, and then with Literacy Rochester’s own Jennifer Eaton. After one year, he took over the classes entirely. He brings a flexible approach to the classroom, finding the methods that work best for his students.
In June 2022, David received Literacy Rochester’s Judy S. Dauphinee Volunteer of the Year Award.
Literacy Rochester is, in his own words the “best situtation.” David is proud to support an organization and a cause that makes him feel welcome and appreciated and offers support when new challenges arise. Helping people is what David does, whether in the classroom or helping neighbors with dog walks and home maintenance.
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