Instructional Services During Stay @ Home

To Our LR Family,
The last month has been a time of change for everyone.  Instruction for Literacy Rochester came to a grinding halt when the libraries, coffee shops and agencies we teach classes at closed.  Our whole premise of instruction is based on meeting face to face with our students either one-to-one or in a small group setting.  For most of our tutor student pairs instruction is on hold until they can meet again.


Literacy Rochester and all adult education programs began discussing how we can serve our students remotely.  For many of our students, online instruction isn’t an option for many of our student, as they don’t have access to reliable computers or internet.  In reaching out to our tutors and teachers we found that some instruction is still going on.  Some tutors can email materials to their students and meet online.  Others are meeting with their students by phone and we are sending books and packets to their student by mail.  Teachers are meeting with their students by phone, google hangouts, or zoom to answer questions about the work.  We are also offering a zoom English conversation class facilitated by one of our staff members.  As time goes on, we are exploring different ways we can reach our students. 


We would like to thank all our volunteers who make what we do possible.  We appreciate all that you do for LR and our students.  We miss seeing you in our offices and hope you all stay healthy so that we may work together again soon.


Thank you,
Literacy Rochester Instructional Staff
Jennifer Eaton, Xeno Carpenter-New and Ritti Singh

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