What is LVR?
Literacy Volunteers of Rochester (LVR) is a non-profit organization that helps adults in Monroe County, New York, who want to read, write, or speak English better or improve math skills.
Who are the students?
Students are adults (18 years and older and out of school) who read below a ninth grade level, or who may be from countries outside of the United States and need help with English.
Is there a fee for tutoring?
No! The program is free for students.
How do I become a student?
Call our office at (585) 473-3030 to schedule an intake appointment.
Who are the tutors?
Tutors are trained volunteers who are high school graduates over age 21.
What is tutoring like?
You and your tutor will decide where and when to meet. It should be in a public place like a library, church, or community center. You should NOT meet in your home or the tutor’s home. You and your tutor will meet for a total of two hours a week for at least a year. The tutor will ask you to practice what you’ve learned between your lessons. The tutor will check your progress.
What happens if things don’t work out?
Not every “match” works out perfectly the first time. Please contact us if things are not going well or you don’t feel comfortable with the tutor. We will work with you to find another tutor.
What else can I do in the program?
Literacy Volunteers engages students in many ways! We have:
• Events for you and your family
• Computer lab
• Field trips
• Mini-courses